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    General Manager Speech

    “Travelling thousand miles, leading the industry”. A good sword evolves from sharpening, plum blossoms from the bitter cold, which means through sharpening and able to endure extreme conditions will then be able to realize the noble ideals of the company.

    Just like the depth of the mountains, vastness of the oceans, we adhere to the company spirit “Teamwork, Creating Miracles, Quality and Care & Love”, pursuing “Honesty, Responsibility, Benevolence and Enterprising” core values, to realize the vision as “China's most professional, most trustworthy and most outstanding decoration design, development and manufacturing company”, striving to expand domestic and overseas markets so as to achieve win-win situation.

    Since establishment of the company, we adhere strictly to our quality concept “Reject bad parts, Do not produce bad parts, No outflow of bad parts” and adopting our service concept “Timely communication, Efficient response” to service our customers.

    Looking forward to the future, the company is grateful to all friends, customers, suppliers and other support and assistance from all walks of life. Tongling is willing to continue to work with you, seeking common development so as to create a better future for all!

    Company Introduction

    Shanghai Tongling Automotive Technologies, Inc. was founded in June 25, 2007. The company was listed on the New Third Stock Market (Agency Share Transfer System) on November 3, 2015, Stock code: 834081, as an official entrance into the capital market.

    Tongling engaged mainly in the automotive interior décor trim research and development, production and sales, and tooling development and sales; is now one of the leading companies in the arena of INS/IMD process for automotive interior décor trim products. The main products include Door Trim Assembly, Dashboard Trim assembly, Central Stack Assembly and etc.

    With high-quality product and good after-sales service, the company has won several customers such as General Motors, Volkswagen, US Volkswagen, SAIC, SAIC GM, SAIC Volkswagen, FAW Volkswagen, Changan Ford, Shenlong Automobile, Dongfeng Nissan, Changan Automobile and a large number of well-known OEM customers both domestically and globally, obtaining a high degree of customer trust, and gradually formed a good relationship of cooperation with Tier customers to maintain a long-term stable business relationship.

    The company studied deeply into the interior auto industry, constantly expands our strength and scale, creating a presence in Shanghai and Wuhan with 2 production locations and owning 3 wholly owned subsidiaries and 1 office.

    Our Slogan

    Access to World Leading the Way

    Our Culture

    Company Spirit: Team, Legend, Quality and Care.

    Core Values: Honesty, Responsibility, Love and Enterprising.

    Our Concept

    Service Concept: Timely communication, efficient response.

    Quality Concept: Reject bad parts, do not produce bad parts

    no outflow of bad parts.

    Talent Concept: Talent is always the most valuable asset of the company.

    Management Concept: We may have differences

    but our actions will be united.

    Our Vision

    To become China's most professional, most trustworthy and most outstanding decoration design,

    development and manufacturing company

    Social Responsibility

    Since establishment, Tongling always adhere to the "Honesty, Responsibility, Benevolence, Enterprising" core values, regardless to shareholders, customers, employees and society, so to achieve maximum value as the company’s noble mission.

    We actively participate in disaster relief, charitable donations, volunteer activities and other social activities. We also actively promote the enterprise of "care and love" culture, actively help weaker groups on society, this will not only make employees feel the warmth from the company but to let more people who need help to get care and love they need, this is a sense of social responsibility.

    • Disaster Relief and Charity Donations

      In 2011 company's annual dinner, the company set up a “Tongling Helping the Needy Foundation". In February 2, 2013 the company employees spontaneously combined the “Maitian Foundation” together with company’s “Tongling Helping the Needy Foundation” to become “Tongling Maitian Foundation” with the objective to help all the needy people in the society. As long as the target for help is raised to the Vice President of the Foundation, once the application is approved, the needy will received relevant financial support. This will promote the company’s “Care & Love” culture and actively help the needy group from the society and this will not only enable employees to feel the warmth from the company but also giving love to the needy people in the society. This is what we see as a sense of responsibility to society.

      Since establishment of the foundation, Tongling Maitian Foundation has adopted a child and many times provide donations including to the Ya An disaster, “Love under the Blue Sky” program. In 2016, Tongling Maitian Foundation has also financially aided 5 needy employees with RMB 1,000 each. In April 2016, Wuhan Branch Company has an employee, Li Ning, from production department whose wife is critically ill and a total of RMB 14,071 was raised for this employee. Tongling Maitian Foundation provides study grant for 1 student and grant was also allocated to 1 needy employee’s child. In June 2016, stationary was provided to students from Zhou Pu Town Meiling Primary School and Guang Xi Nanning Primary School. In 2016, Zhou Pu Town Fu Lei Foundation was established and Tongling made a humble contribution of RMB 100k to this foundation.

    • Volunteer Service

      The company is actively involved in promoting volunteer service and actively participates in various volunteer service activities in the community. Tongling actively participates in blood donation activities and responding to the call of the government in 2011 and 2016 by gathering employees to make blood donations. In 2012, we contribute volunteers to the 2012 Zhou Pu Town “Youth Day” drama activities. In 2014, we participate in “Protect the Trees” campaign and in 2015, we participate in the “Recycle the battery, Protect Mother Earth” campaign. In July 2016, we organized company employees to participate in Zhou Pu Town “Civilized Traffic Sentry” campaign and etc.

    • Care for Employee

      The development of a company cannot be without the contribution of her employees, therefore it’s natural for the company to show care to her employees. All along, Tongling promote the concern of employees and to show care to employees from various aspects. In recent years, the company attaches greater importance in the design of employee’s career path, their growth and encourage them to develop multi skills; to be successful at their position. The company has set up specialized technology competitions such as forklift competition, hanger competitions and so on. The company also organizes several employee activities such as table tennis competitions, basketball games and other enriching events. In addition, the company has set up a reading club to promote knowledge enrichment.

    System Certification

    • 2009年延鋒科技創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)

    • 2011年一汽大眾A級供應(yīng)商

    • 2013年一汽大眾A級供應(yīng)商

    • 2014年埃馳優(yōu)秀供應(yīng)商

    • 2014年通用優(yōu)秀供應(yīng)商

    • 2015年度最佳質(zhì)量獎(jiǎng)

    • 2015年通用優(yōu)秀供應(yīng)商

    • 2015年一汽大眾A級供應(yīng)商

    • 和諧勞動(dòng)關(guān)系企業(yè)

    • 九江職業(yè)大學(xué)

    • 科技創(chuàng)新一等獎(jiǎng)

    • 科技小巨人企業(yè)

    • 浦東新區(qū)社會責(zé)任達(dá)標(biāo)企業(yè)

    • 浦東新區(qū)文明單位

    • 清潔生產(chǎn)企業(yè)驗(yàn)收合格證

    • 全國科技創(chuàng)新示范單位

    • 全國質(zhì)量信得過產(chǎn)品

    • 上海工程技術(shù)大學(xué)

    • 上海交大教學(xué)課程項(xiàng)目研發(fā)基地

    • 上海名牌

    • 上海市地方特色產(chǎn)業(yè)

    • 上海市文明單位

    • 上海市專精特新企業(yè)

    • 上海市專利工作試點(diǎn)企業(yè)

    • 守合同、重信用獎(jiǎng)牌

    • 質(zhì)量信用3A級

    • 中國知名品牌

    • 中國著名品牌

    • 周浦鎮(zhèn)先進(jìn)基層黨組織

    • 總經(jīng)辦黨員示范窗口

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